Gravure idols Video Blog (Japanese グラビアアイドル gurabia aidoru)

- Japanese models specializing in various media entertainment: from photo shoots in men's magazines to music videos and DVD-idol films. Although they usually work on swimsuit shows, they can demonstrate virtually any kind of clothing. アイドル動画をあなたのダウンロードについては毎日更新!BEST IDOL VIDEO DOWNLOAD !

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  • Post: Ahsoka | (18-04-2022, 09:50)
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iconTWSK-001 Ako Fujiwara, Mai Fujiko, Megu Fujiura, 佐藤夢, 木戸若菜, 木戸結菜 - 小学生くすぐり学園 Vol.1 [AVI/1.14GB]

[TWSK-001] Ako Fujiwara, Mai Fujiko, Megu Fujiura, 佐藤夢, 木戸若菜, 木戸結菜 - 小学生くすぐり学園 Vol.1 [AVI/1.14GB] 小学生イメージとくすぐり夢のコラボレーション。 抱腹絶倒のバラエティイメージDVDの登場!! 授業中に全く落ち着きのない三人組みにうんざり気味のツンデレ女教師。 何とか更正させようと企画した特別授業。 それは、前代未聞のくすぐり授業だった!? 各授業にテーマを設け、その内容に沿ったくすぐりで女の子達を鍛えてゆく。 罰ゲームでは更にハードなくすぐりが!! 1時間目:算数 我慢比べ! 女の子たちに計算問題を解いてもらい、その間に先生が刷毛で女の子をくすぐっていく。 一番遅かった子には罰ゲームが待っている。 2時間目:集中力アップ! 3人でジェンガ(立体パズル崩し)勝負。後半で先生が刷毛で積木を抜こうとする女の子をくすぐる。 積木を崩してしまった子が負け。 3時間目:体育の時間 風船を乗せたお盆を持ってロデオマシーンに乗り、 いかに風船を落とさずに乗っていられるかを競うゲーム 持っている時間が一番短かった子が罰ゲーム。 4時間目:箱の中身は? 三人からは見えない箱があり、その中に何が入っているかを、手を入れて感触を 確かめながら答える。中身が判るのに一番時間のかかった子が罰ゲーム。 20 Dec 2006

Category: TOY-WILLOW

  • Post: Ahsoka | (17-04-2022, 00:51)
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  • Post: Ahsoka | (16-04-2022, 22:05)
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Gravure Idol

A gravure idol (グラビアアイドル gurabia aidoru), often abbreviated to gradol (グラドル guradoru), is a Japanese female model who primarily models in magazines, especially those marketed to men, photobooks, or DVDs. Gravure idols, in most cases, emphasize their sexual attractiveness and often model in swimsuits.

Gravure idols appear in a wide range of photography styles and genres. Their photos are largely aimed at male audiences. Though they never appear nude, their poses are seen as semi-provocative.

Gravure models may be of any age but usually range from their late teens to their mid-twenties. In addition to appearing in mainstream magazines, gravure idols often release their own professional photobooks and DVDs for their fans. Many popular female idols in Japan launched their careers by starting out as gravure idols.

Gravure models are commonly photographed wearing bikinis or lingerie, but may also appear wearing schoolgirl uniforms, Japanese street fashion, and kimonos. Since 2008, ZAKZAK magazine has awarded a Gravure Idol Award.

The word グラビア (gurabia), used in Japanese to describe female models of this kind, is derived from the English-language term rotogravure, which is a printing method that was once commonly used in the production of illustrated magazines. The modern meaning of the term "gravure idol" is thus loosely "magazine model", a reference to the medium in which most of the idols gain stardom. Gravure Idols are so sweet and beautiful!
